About KCA

Kerala Cultural Association or KCA emerged as the brain child of some high thinking, philanthropic, socio-economic-culture oriented Malayalees during a routine rendezvous in an evening; primarily for rendering economic as well as emotional assistance to their fellowmen residing in and around Sabarmati in the event of any unforeseen crisis or disaster.

Since then, the organization has grown magnetically and magnanimously and has been instrumental in providing help for medical emergencies, cultural development and in the form of educational assistance. By organizing cultural events and get-togethers for its member families wherein the members could not only exhibit their capabilities in various fields but also exchange their concerns and reinforce the feelings of togetherness, KCA has been putting all out efforts in their multi-faceted development. Prizes and accolade are awarded for outstanding performances in various fields of activities and academic excellence.

In 2009, as a part of its endeavor to uphold the spirit of togetherness, KCA came out with a Membership Directory providing the names, addresses and contact details of the members of the community with the sole aim of establishing faster communication network for improving mutual contact and co-operation among them. The amalgamation of more areas to the urban agglomeration and the real estate boom that followed saw the expansion of KCA’s operational limits as more and more people belonging to Malayali community migrated to this new haven. In addition, the past years’ activities and performances had brought about many changes. By incorporating all these changes, an updated all new Directory – 2014 was released with great pleasure and enthusiasm.

An individual, may be of very high profile during his/her existence in this world but after death, loses his/her name that he /she had earned and carried, and is simply addressed as ‘body’ and disposed of without any benefit to the society. What if some selfless soul wishes to use this inert body either in part or full for providing a fresh lease of life to the needy? Anybody can imagine what will be the result if two people blind from birth start seeing the beauties of this world on a fine morning with the cornea gifted from your ‘body’? The gifted cornea itself gets a fresh life even after the person’s death at the same time allowing the blind, who had never seen the wonders of light, feel reborn in to a new world of enchanting beauty and elated to share his newly gifted life with family and friends.

As part of its humanitarian activities, KCA wishes to go for its flag-ship program christened ‘Donate Organ & Gift a Life’. Organ donation is the process of providing a person with one or more of your organs, tissues, blood during life or after death. The most common of donations while living, is the kidney transplant and also include the lung, liver, and parts of the pancreas. In the case of Deceased donors, the organs that are donated include Kidneys, Lungs, Heart, Liver, Pancreas, Intestines, Corneas (Eyes), Middle Ear, Skin, Heart Valves, Bone, Veins, Cartilage, Tendons, and Ligaments or even the Cadaver itself.

Motivational initiatives to spread awareness among members through leaf-lets and mouth to mouth publicity about the necessity and advantages of donating organs including the cadaver, especially after death, thereby giving a second life to the needy with our organs that would have been gone waste otherwise, have already been evolved. The inauguration of this noble program was done with mass campaigning in the large gathering of its annual celebration held on 7th February 2015 in presence of world renowned Plastic Surgeon Dr T Ayyappan and Dr Dilip Shah, a well-known medical Doctor and a prominent Philanthropist.

To keep itself abreast with the changing times and advancement of technology, KCA wishes to spread its wings globally. To enhance the activities of KCA and also to accelerate its performance, it is pertinent to know about the happenings in and around the world. KCA does not believe in simple ‘confinement’, but wishes to exhibit before the world its activities for the humanity, for the fellowmen. As an initial step in this direction, KCA launched its most modern website KCASABARMATI.IN developed by Mrs. Saritha Ranjith during the august celebration of its 18th Annual Day on 7th of February, 2015.

Our heartfelt wishes to the children of Gods Own Country who made this holy land of Sabarmati, the Karma Bhumi of the great saint and social reformer Mahatma Gandhi the Father of our Nation, their second home.

As this site is to be updated with the contemporary development elsewhere, all valuable suggestions for improvements are solicited with gratitude.…. Let us strive to work for the well being of our brothers and sisters, standing united and firm on the common platform of KCA.